You Should
Attend #CPO2020
High-Level presentations by industry experts from across the region
Learn how organizations abroad are progressing in product management
Implementation tips to help you get started with your own projects
Real-Life Case Studies from various sectors
Unique networking experience with international and local experts
Get your questions answered by international experts
Latest technology trends in product management


Chief Product Officer Virtual 2020, #CPO2020 scheduled for 7th – 8th October will be the first International live (online) conference, organized by Cognitive Links which will bring experienced speakers both from regional and international companies to discuss current trends, challenges and how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will transform product management in the future.
Whether you have an existing product team or looking to develop one, #CPO2020 will have presentations for you and the whole team. We will be hosting 15 speakers, 1000 attendees live view, and over 3000 offline views at this event. We are happy to invite you to this exclusive and highly focused online conference. “Stay Home, to Stay Safe”, and yet have a great learning and networking experience.

For Delegate Enquiries Please Contact:
Ara Damansara, Kuala Lumpur,
47301, Malaysia
+6018 6618 048
(WhatsApp / Vider Available)
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